CWPR Group



Conditions We Address

Services We Provide


Depression is a psychological condition characterised by persistent melancholy, anger, tension, and weeping outbursts. Reduced enjoyment or interest in typical activities or hobbies. Loss of energy, tiredness despite absence of activity A change in appetite, accompanied by dramatic weight loss or increase A shift in sleeping patterns, such as trouble sleeping, waking up early in the morning, or sleeping excessively If you’re nervous or anxious, Restlessness, irritation, or the sensation of being slowed down.
If you have these symptoms for more than 3-4 weeks, you should see a mental health professional right once.


Anxiety or worry is a sensation of tension, anxious thoughts, and bodily changes such as elevated blood pressure. Anxiety is a natural reaction to stressful conditions and is a normal part of life. It can even be advantageous when it warns you of a potential risk. However, for some people, it becomes greatly amplified and persistent as a result of an exaggerated sensation of risk. Anxiety disrupts daily tasks such as work, school, and sleep. This form of anxiety may interfere with relationships and pleasure of life, and it can lead to health troubles and other issues over time.

  • It is Generalised Anxiety Disorder if the sense of anxiety lasts all or most of the time.
  • A Phobic condition occurs when anxiety is felt solely in a certain scenario, such as a crowded place/social situation/lifts/plan.
  • If you experience significant anxiety on an episodic basis, you may have Panic Disorder.

OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder):

Obsessive-Compulsive Illness (OCD) is a potentially debilitating psychiatric disorder defined by obsessive thoughts and/or compulsive activities that interfere considerably with daily living. Obsessions are unwelcome, recurring, and distressing ideas that a person is unable to suppress, as well as overpowering worry.

Symptoms include:

  • Fear of filth or germ infection.
  • Fear of inflicting damage to someone else.
  • Fear of making a blunder.
  • Fear of being embarrassed or behaving inappropriately in public.
  • Fear of having bad or harmful ideas.
  • Need for order, symmetry, or precision.
  • Excessive scepticism and a desire for frequent reinforcement.

Somatic Disorder:

Somatic symptom disorder is defined by the presence of one or more somatic symptoms, as well as excessive thoughts, feelings, and/or actions connected to the somatic symptoms. Furthermore, the symptoms create considerable distress and/or impairment. A known general medical issue may or may not explain the somatic symptoms. Physical complaints/pain/fear of having a significant medical issue result in requests for medical examinations and consultations. Reassurances from physicians and negative results from investigations do not reassure a person.


Schizophrenia (derived from the Greek words schizein, which means “to split,” and phrn, which means “mind”) is a psychiatric diagnostic that explains a mental condition marked by irregularities in reality perception or expression. Auditory hallucinations, paranoid or odd delusions, or disordered speech and thought with substantial social or vocational impairment are the most typical symptoms. Schizophrenia is a severe, devastating brain condition that lasts a lifetime. It causes people to hear voices, see things that aren’t there, and believe that others are reading or directing their brains. Symptoms usually appear in young adulthood, and around 0.4-0.6% of the population is afflicted. Symptoms often appear in males in their late teens and early twenties. In women, they begin in their mid-20s to early 30s.

Other signs and symptoms include

  • Unusual ideas or perceptions
  • Movement disorders
  • Difficulty communicating and expressing emotions
  • Attention, memory, and organisation issues

Bipolar Disorder:

Bipolar illness is a brain condition characterised by extraordinary fluctuations in mood, energy, activity levels, and capacity to do daily activities. This is a major brain condition marked by dramatic mood swings ranging from mania to sadness. It can result in reckless conduct, ruined relationships and employment, and even suicide thoughts. Suicide is a very real concern for people with bipolar disease, whether they are in a manic or depressive phase. However, bipolar disorder can be treated, and people with this condition may have full and productive lives.


Substance abuse, dependency, and addiction
Addiction is a state of intermittent or chronic intoxication caused by the recurrent use of a substance (natural or synthetic). It has the following characteristics: I an overwhelming desire or need (compulsion) to continue taking the drug and obtain it through any means; (ii) a tendency to increase the dose; (iii) a psychic (psychological) and generally physical dependence on the effects of the drug; and (iv) negative effects on the individual and society.


It is often a chronic and progressive disorder in the elderly that appears first as impairment in memory and other cognitive skills such as learning ability, understanding, language, and judgement. The loss in intellectual functioning generally interferes with daily tasks, causing considerable disability. It is usual for behavioural issues to be present.

Intellectual Disability:

Mental Retardation / Intellectual Disability
It is a developmental disorder that manifests itself early in life and involves the following symptoms:
Disabilities in cognitive skills such as reasoning, problem solving, planning, academic learning, and so on (measured by intelligence tests)
Deficits in adaptive functioning that impede one or more everyday tasks such as communication, social involvement, independent living, and so on.


Specific Learning Disability (SLD) / Learning Disability (LD) / Dyslexia
Dyslexia is a learning condition that impairs a person’s ability to read and spell.
To comprehend Dyslexia, you must be familiar with the reading process. A youngster learns to talk and listen to words from birth to three years old. Their vocabulary expands and youngsters begin to rhyme between the ages of three and four. They learn to blend letter sounds into words around the age of six, and they begin reading simple phrases. A youngster learns to read effortlessly and with understanding between the ages of seven and eight. The left hemisphere of the brain is the primary processing area for language. Because the right ear interfaces directly with the left hemisphere, spoken communication reaches the brain effectively. When the youngster lacks right ear dominance, he experiences sounds in a disordered sequence, and the sound communicates with the brain at variable times, causing reversal mistakes such as writing “was” or “saw”, “bat” or “dat”. Despite the fact that their unique brain makes reading, writing, and spelling difficult, most persons with Dyslexia are gifted in areas controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain. They can be artistic, athletic, and intelligent, yet still struggle academically.


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) / Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)
Autism is a neurological illness marked by poor social interaction and communication, as well as limited and repetitive behaviour.
Symptoms must appear before a kid is three years old for a diagnosis to be made. Autism alters information processing in the brain by changing how nerve cells and synapses connect and arrange; how this happens is unknown.

Autism’s Cause
Although the genetics of autism are complicated, it is uncertain whether ASD is explained more by uncommon mutations or by unique combinations of common genetic variations. In rare situations, autism has been linked to chemicals that induce birth abnormalities. Other putative environmental reasons have sparked debate. Heavy metals, herbicides, and childhood immunizations are examples. The vaccination ideas are physiologically untenable, and there is little scientific data to support them.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD):

Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or Attention deficit disorder (ADD) is a neurobehavioral illness characterised by considerable issues in inattention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness, or both. ADHD affects school-aged children and causes restlessness, impulsive behaviour, and a lack of attention, which inhibits their ability to study correctly. Symptoms appear before the age of seven. It is the most widely researched and diagnosed mental condition in children, affecting around 3 to 5% of children worldwide and being diagnosed in approximately 2 to 16% of school-aged children. ADHD is around three times more frequent in boys than in girls. It is a chronic condition, with 30 to 50% of those diagnosed as children continuing to experience symptoms throughout adulthood.

Adults and adolescents with ADHD often develop coping methods to compensate for part or all of their limitations.
The diseases are classified into three subtypes.

  • Predominantly inattentive (ADHD-PI or ADHD-I) or “attention deficit disorder” (ADD)
  • Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive (ADHD-HI or ADHD-H)
  • Combined (ADHD-C)

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